Monday, December 20, 2010


Well as this year winds down and I begin to review it, I am pleased with the major shifts that have occurred in my life!  Today, as the result of removing blocks, energy flows in freely and abundantly.  It took a willingness to look at things I didn't want to, but as the result, I have found a piece of lost Love.  Something I searched my whole life for "simply" came to me.  It was in that moment I was filled with a self-respect and understanding of who I am - and who I am not!  It was within minutes that things began to shift and today, the abundance of all good things flows into my life endlessly.  It is because of mindful living that I am able to see, experience and appreciate this process.  I love what I learn!

I am so grateful to family and friends who have journeyed with me, and me with them, as we have grown and changed throughout the year(s).  People come and go in our lives and hopefully, when we part, we part better people for having known each other.  People also stay through the good and the rough times and because of the dedication and commitment to each other, intimacy is shared; trust is strengthened and a deeper Love results.  I appreciate our support of each other and never giving up on each other through it all!

I envision a world where we each find the inner-peace and love that allows us to have an approach to life with joy.  Namaste.

Monday, November 29, 2010


I have had so much fun this past week!  We spent the long Holiday week-end with family...Nicole and Tim and their beautiful and wonderful children, Sam & Hayden.

First, I was reminded about patience as I watched this family!  Nicole and Tim are great parents and I am amazed at how patient they are, even after little or no sleep!   I admire and respect their approach to both their children and was once again reminded how, when there are two little ones around, living in the moment is vital!  Wow, miss a moment and anything can happen!  They are committed to providing a healthy, safe and nurturing environment.  It was fun to participate with little kids's been a while!

Sam, whose energy is non-stop, is three and at the age of discovery!  He is creative, smart, and funny! Sam reminded me about the wonderment of life; about imagination; creativity; and trust.  I was reminded of the saying "have the faith and trust of a child".  Wow.  I now try to emulate a 3 year old!  Is there some full-circle moment happening here?

And Hayden, who was two months old on Thanksgiving day, is precious.  She is the ultimate example of relaxation.  You've heard of Eat, Pray, Love?  Well, Hayden teaches Eat, Sleep, Poop.  I loved holding her, giving her Reiki while she slept, and just loving her.  She is so alert and gives great smiles!  She leaves me humbled and quiets my soul.

Patience, living in the moment, wonder, imagination, creativity, trust, relaxation, humble, peaceful soul...
my favorite things!  This trip awakened the joy of life in me.  Waking up every day to the possibilities, the excitement, the uncertainty of what will unfold has been once again sparked inside of me.

Well, I better get going and see what will unfold this day!  I hope your day, every day, unfolds to amazement and wonder and joy.  Namaste.

Monday, November 22, 2010


I have had one of the most profound, conscious releasements I have ever had, or at least, that I remember having in a very long time!  It has brought me to a place of freedom.  And that freedom continues to open and expand, creating a solid new foundation to replace the one I no longer resonate with.  I am amazed and grateful for the changes in me, the flow of people and positive experiences this awareness and vibrational shift has brought about!
I mentioned last week about the release I had during our Monthly Energy Share and while I did not go into detail because it would have brought me to a different topic, I would like to share it today.
I let go of the stored energy from my roles as victim/abused and abuser.  In thinking about things like Law of Relativity, Law of Opposites, and Ying/Yang, I am reminded that for every thought, word, feeling or action there is an equally profound and powerful opposite.  In order for me to experience the victim/abused, I must experience the exact opposite, the abuser.  We have heard this said in other ways, such as “one cannot experience the joy of love without experiencing the pain of love”.  We know that feelings are intertwined between their opposites and that one cannot exist without the other; such as joy/sorrow, love/hate, laughter/tears, etc.  It is no different between abused/abuser. 
I am using strong terms here, abused/abuser, but there are milder versions of this on the spectrum. For instance: annoyed/annoyer, pressured/pressurer, etc.  Again, we have played both roles. I think of the spectrum of relativity as a scale, with harmony being the center.  And in the Law of Relativity, where I am on that scale is relative to many factors, including my consciousness or mindfulness, my acceptance, my detachment, etc.  
It is my understanding of this that sets me free.  It is my judgment of it that keeps me bound to it.  For instance, if I hold one aspect in a different regard than the other, then I will bounce between the two in an extreme way as opposed to gently moving from one place to the other with mindfulness and the opportunity to choose my role.  Again an example:  If I find myself aware of being abused but not aware of how I am abusive (or vice versa) then I will continue to find myself in this situation in a more extreme way than if I recognize and accept that at times I am both.  When I admit, or own, that I am both (because one cannot exist without the other), then I have a more harmonious experience with gentle movement between the two.  My life remains less dramatic, more even and peaceful and I feel free to spend my energy more wisely and productively!  And this shift has brought about many supportive opportunities and changes!
I liked the following Abraham/Hicks daily quote from November 20.  It too is a tool to finding freedom.  All these tools!  I am so grateful for them!  And for finding my freedom!  I leave you with this: 
“A belief that the behavior of others must be controlled—so that your observation of that good behavior will make you feel good—leaves you feeling vulnerable to their behavior.
We would like to help you to understand that neither the good feeling you find when you observe wanted behavior, nor the bad feeling you find when you observe unwanted behavior, is actually the reason that you feel good or bad. The way you feel is only ever about your alignment, or misalignment, with the Source within you. It is only your relationship with the Source within you (with your own Inner Being) that is the reason for the emotions that you feel.
While it is nice to find things in your physical environment that enhance your good-feeling alignment with your Inner Being, your understanding of why you feel good will make it possible for you to feel good regardless of the behavior of others.
Understanding that the way you feel is really about your Vibrational relationship with your Inner Beingwith the Source within you, with the expanded version of you who resides inside your Vortex—gives you complete empowerment and absolute freedom.”


Monday, November 15, 2010

Law of Detachment

Yesterday we studied the Law of Detachment as written by Deepak Chopra.  Wow, that was a hard one.  I move all over the map on detachment.  Ha, interesting choice of words as Deepak even asks, would you rather the map or the territory?   Detachment means letting go of old ideas, beliefs and the past.  It means stepping away from what you know (or think you know) and walking into uncertainty, the unknown.  When we do this, we have the opportunity to stretch beyond our limitations and move from a fear-based belief system into an abundance-based belief system. 
Is this like walking into the Twilight Zone?  Sometimes it feels like it!  I definitely have a love/hate of this one and see where there are times I do really well with this and times where, well, not so good!   But, I love the journey of life and find joy in the moment whenever I can!
Two things I learned along the way that really helps me with this:
1.        1.  Plan the Plan but not the outcome.  
                 2.     Don’t take yourself so seriously…learn to laugh and allow your joy to shine.

Enjoy your week!  Namaste. 

Monday, November 8, 2010


Ah, the wonder of life.  The joy in the moment.  The journey into the unknown.  The precious moments of pure bliss and joy.  The agony of sorrow and anger.  The strength in both.  The ability to recognize my strengths and weaknesses and love each of them.  To make right my wrongs, to celebrate my successes.  To be free in the moment.

Trusting myself has not come easy. Trusting others has not come easy.  The belief of betrayal at a young age developed into a belief system that no longer served me.  At Energy Share on Saturday another layer was released! It unravels in layers and as I shed those layers a new appreciation for life enters.   A new acceptance of myself and others deepens.  A graciousness comes along with having nothing to prove or defend, nothing to fix, nothing to change.

Today it is my intention to remain gracious.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Global Oneness Day

Yesterday was the first "Global Oneness Day".  I took some time to reflect on what it means to me. 

All my life, I've believed we are all connected...All One Spirit...hence the name of my business!  I've always felt connected to all living things...and I believe that Energy is a Living ALL things are Living Things.  

I've said it many times in this blog and in conversations, that because we are all connected, your success and/or failure is my success and/or failure.  Your pain is my pain, your joy is my joy and vice versa.  We are all in this journey together.  It matters not what our beliefs are.  It matters not what our values are.  It matters not what our educational level is.  It matters not what our financial status is.  It matters not what our race or sex is.  It matters not.

Energy is a living, connected thing.  It is seen and unseen.  It cannot ever be separated from itself.  It is all that was, all that is, all that will ever be.  We are energy.  Plants, animals, thoughts, beliefs, values, money...all energy.  It cannot be separated from itself.  We cannot be separated from these things.  Your thoughts, values, actions, beliefs are mine.  And vice versa.  

Even though Global Oneness Day has passed, I hope we will continue to know how connected we are and how we affect others and how others affect us.  I hope we will continue to live consciously, making choices that support each other as well as ourselves!

Have a great week....Namaste.  


Tuesday, October 19, 2010

There Is More Than Enough

There is more than enough of everything for everyone to live quite happily. It is simply a matter of changing your "every man for himself" economy to a "highest good for all" economy.

Tomorrow's God
Neale Donald Walsch
Page 288

I like this because is reminds me that I am one of many and we are all connected.  When you suffer, I suffer and vice versa.  When I realize this, my compassion and my desire to support your highest good comes forth.  When I support you and your highest good, I am actually supporting myself and my highest good...because when you are happy, I am happy.  And this works the other way around!  Your support of me aids in my happiness and when I am happy, you are happy!

This is not to say that we are responsible for each other's happiness or suffering, because that is not true.  We are each responsible for the condition of our spirit, our emotions, etc., however, supporting each other is different than being responsible for each other.  One is allowing and the other is enabling.

I'm so excited that we are all in this together and I envision a world where we are always in support of each other, leaving judgement behind!

Enjoy your week!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Perfection - Thank You!

Today is unfolding just as it should.  I have not planned, organized, orchestrated, manipulated or controlled one thing yet today!  FREEDOM!  And yet, somehow, by following my inner-rhythm and guidance, all that needs to be accomplished is.

I AM all that was, all that is and all that ever will be.  So are YOU.  Thanks for all your contributions to my life.  I am honored to share a life with you all.


Monday, October 4, 2010

Let It Be!

Let It Be.Let It Be.Let It Be. Let It Be.  There Will Be an Answer....Let It Be.  ~The Beatles
I continue to enjoy the the benefits of having taken time to be silent.  That time of in-to-me-see (intimacy) allowed me to reconnect with the rhythm of my soul.  My needs and desires are simplified when I listen to and hear the voice of my soul.  This clarity helps define my intentions. Clear intentions help me live consciously.  When I live consciously, I know my thoughts, words and deeds serve the highest good.

I see the connectedness of life; connectedness to all things.This helps me let go of judgment. Judgment stops the flow, just as division does.  Neal Donald Walsch says that differences allow us to experience new ideas at the same time we experience ourselves while division stops that process.  Judgment is a form of division.  When I judge an event, a situation, a person, place or thing, a religion, a political view, a thought, an good or bad, right or wrong, I've separated my connection; divided myself from that which is.  Instead, when I allow an event, a situation, a person, place or thing, a religion, a political view, a thought, an be as it is and recognize the experience as an opportunity to BE, I remain connected to Life, to all that is.  I am not in conflict with myself or others. I Let It Be.

I certainly have my preferences, and when I recognize that they are preferences and not measure sticks to judge others, I find peace.  And I like feeling peaceful!  I Let It Be.

Hope you all are having a Great Day!  

Monday, September 27, 2010

Intimacy ~ In-to-me-see

I'm finding my rhythm. I found it in the silence. I've taken some extra quiet and meditation time this past week and am emerging slowly and cautiously. I've enjoyed the action of going inward and discovering that very quiet voice inside, instead of the busy, loud one that had been running scared.

I have a friend who first introduced me into the concept of playing with words. For instance, the word When I have an intimate relationship with myself I am seeing my soul in it's true and honest state. I've slowed down and listened to my heart's desire. I've stripped the layers of protection away...the ego's protective guard dogs are resting!

It is the same in an intimate relationship with another. There is a vulnerability in intimacy that helps me see my soul, but also allows me to see another's soul and their vulnerability. Again, it is a going-inward that brings me to the truth.

I'm so grateful to have taken this time. I still functioned during this time, but when not required of me, I remained silent and contemplative in addition to meditating. I'm feeling stronger because I've rediscovered the rhythm of my thoughts, beliefs, values and am honoring the rediscovery of intimacy with myself.

I welcome new life to the family! My sister-in-law and her husband are the proud parents of a daughter born Saturday around 5 pm. Hayden Louise is her earth name and I know she remembers the spiritual place she recently left to share her beautiful energy with us. We are blessed.

Honor your life today and I'll be over here honoring mine....Namaste.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Be True to Your Self

"To Thine Own Self Be True."

I'm working on it! That means supporting myself rather than abandoning myself, as is my habit. Supporting myself is scary when I'm busy trying to "play nice", "keep the peace" or otherwise concerned with how I might be perceived. This is the message that has been coming to me repeatedly over the past couple of months.

More and more I have been unable to tell myself a story that is no longer true. I've heard that the body does not lie, so if my body does not match the story I'm telling, it's time to be true with myself!

I'm in the middle of this process and honestly, it's quite uncomfortable. I don't always handle it with grace and dignity, but I will not abandon myself in this...I will keep on defining and then speaking my truth, in my thoughts, words and deeds.

I'm so grateful for the process of discovery and love how I get to explore my soul at all levels!

I'm looking forward to our new niece's arrival and thank you for the support you've offered for my brother and his wife!


Monday, September 13, 2010

Pure Potentiality

Our Second Sunday group looked at the Law of Pure Potentiality. There was a great discussion! My take on it is Spiritually, the potential for perfection exists....and by perfection Deepak Chopra refers to no fear, no guilt, no insecurity. Instead in Pure Potentiality we are in our essential, intrinsic state of pure consciousness. In pure consciousness we are "unbound" and there exists pure joy, pure knowledge, silence, perfect balance, invincibility, simplicity and bliss.

We have the opportunity to experience those things. It is possible! He even tells us how to do it!
1. Sit in Silence. 2. Practice Meditation. 3. Practice Non-Judgement. 4. Spend time in Nature.

Our human selves will move around and we may feel different connectedness to joy, knowledge, balance, bliss, etc. Sometimes more connected and sometimes less connected. However, if I use the four simple tools I will experience the Law of Pure Potentiality.

I'm making the commitment to have a period of silence every day. No telephone, no television, no computer, no talking, no radio. Just silence.

I meditate, however my practice is not consistent. I will allow the space to be created for meditation daily.

I will continue my practice of non-judgement. More consciously!! And I will journey into nature, though I do see amazing sunsets and follow moon movement, so I will practice expanding my nature connection.

I think I resonated with knowing that in my humanness, I am sometimes more connected with with this Law than other times. And therein lies the perfection. I know by the level of guilt and fear I am feeling at any given time, where I am in connection to this law. And now I know what I can do! I can be silent. And if the opportunity is there, I can observe nature. I can practice non-judgement in that moment. There! In the moment there are three of the four things I can immediately do!

I love this discovery, I love this journey! I'm so grateful we are walking together, each on our path of Pure Potentiality!

Have Fun! Namaste.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Human Being vs Human Doing

Some days are just meant to be slow, loving days. Today is one of them. I hear my inner voice pushing me to do....something, anything...but not feeling guided toward anything in particular. It feels "upstream" to push myself into work today. But that voice keeps after something.

I will do something. I will just be. I will spend time with my companion and not have any expectation. I will be a human-being; not a human-doing. That is my challenge for the day. "Be" not "Do". Discovering the joy in "being". Allow the loud voice to quiet down; calm down. Do the small fun tasks today, no pushing, no bullying, no forcing.

Hmm, nurturing my spirit. Hope you will nurture yours and discover the joy of a human being.


Monday, August 30, 2010

Personal Responsibility, Karma and...Joy?

Hey everybody, I hope you created a week that filled your spirit and that this new week, you create another one!

Recently, "karma" was brought to my attention three different times, all in the same context. Something happened to three different people that they didn't like and all three (and however many they reached on facebook and other ways) responded by threatening that "karma would get the them" or that somehow bad karma would follow these people that had done the action that caused harm. While the events that happened to these three people were really upsetting experiences and I empathize with them, I think threatening someone with the Law of Karma is an interesting yet unproductive way to respond to the situation! I have to admit, I too used to use Karma as a threat too.

Having recently studied the Law of Karma in our Second Sunday Spirit Food Group, I was reminded of some things I'd learned throughout the years about Karma as well as developed a new and stronger understanding of and respect for the Law.

Not surprisingly, we have somehow turned this misunderstood life-lesson-learning-Law into yet another threatening, big-stick brute force, abusive, fear- and guilt-based punishment! And I suppose we will continue to do so until we let go of that type of fundamental belief and value that is permeated throughout our every thought! fear, guilt, shame. These are things we learned, not what is in our heart. As such, we can easily learn and practice a new way of honoring the Law of Karma. It is called Personal Responsibility.

It is true that if I intend or say or do something that is harmful, I have put it out into the Universe and that which I put out, will come back to me.

Please think about that. Re-read it. Ahh, is it registering? YES! We are such quick and intelligent people! We got it! The very thing we hated that happened to us, happened to us for a reason, and that reason is....Karma! So while we want to blame someone else for our circumstances, and even threaten them with the punishment of Karma, we seem to loose sight of why we were even involved in the first place! Life is one learning experience after another and I can either use the opportunity to learn and raise my vibration so the lesson is not repeated, in the case of a painful experience; or repeated often and even more often, in the case of a joyful experience. Because remember, Karma works in Joy also (and that which we focus our attention on....)

I am reminded of the saying: First time, shame on you; second time, shame on me. While a slightly different version of (negative) Karma, it reminds us of the same thing. While I would re-write it to say: "First time, I'll defer responsibility to you since it is your intention/word/action; second time, I'll take a look at what I'm intending, saying or doing that is drawing this life-lesson to me." I would write it that way because I have no reason for shame and neither do you. But it is how it is said in our society and it does get the point across. (And also my point that we live in a fear- and guilt-based society and until I free myself from that belief and value...I am doomed to repeat it. Hmmm sounds like Karma to me!) It also suggests that by putting off looking at it the first time, there will be a second perhaps we could just look at it the first time. That isn't always possible and once we see a pattern it becomes easier to respond. Also, I'd like to mention that everything that happens, happens for a reason. It is not "random" that what happened to me, happened to me. What happened to me may not look like what I put out there in the first place, but when it comes back to me, there is no doubt, no question, that I put something out there. It has now become my opportunity to learn and grow and become a stronger, smarter, more self-true person.

What I'm saying is that by accepting personal responsibility for my intentions, words and actions, I have the opportunity to learn more of what Life is offering. When I learn more of what Life is offering, I do not have to repeat painful experiences. When I don't repeat painful experiences, I create Joyful ones. When I create Joyful experiences, I discover more of what Life is offering.

And that, for me, is what Karma is...creating Joyful experiences so I discover more of what Life is offering.

May your week bring you many joyful experiences. I wish Joyful Karma unto You!


Monday, August 23, 2010

Differences and Division

Differences confirm, and make possible, your experience of Who You Are. Divisions confuse, and render impossible, that experience. Without the differences between here and there, up and down, fast and slow, hot and cold, none of these things could be experienced. Yet there is no division between here and there, up and down, fast and slow, hot and cold. These are merely different versions of the same thing. Similarly, there are no divisions between black and white, male and female, Christian and Muslim. These are merely different versions of the same thing.
Friendship With God
Neale Donald Walsch
Page 405

I really liked this "daily thought" I received! I love learning new things, trying new things and as such, am so glad there is diversity! This allows me to learn something "different". Yet sometimes I get afraid or feel threatened by that which I do not know or understand and instead of embracing it, I resist it. I now have a point of reference for those times I am resisting that which I am unfamiliar with. I find I am particularly challenged when it comes to people who believe that their way is The Only Way. I suppose it is because I believe that MY way is The Way!

Like this reading. I believe it and I think it is the truth. However, I know people who would not believe this and argue against it. Therein lies the choice to be "divided" or to allow us to be "different". And in our difference of thought lies our sameness...we each believe that our way is the truth. It helps me to know we are different versions of the same thing because then we cannot be divided. The "same" cannot be divided nor is it separate.

I think I chose the business name "All One Spirit" because it is what I believe in my heart. We are all connected, there is a common thread between all things which creates a beautiful tapestry called life. Because we are energy vibrating at variable speeds, we vibrate at "different" speeds at "different" times. So, in my vibration as I speed up and slow down, I recognize you as you vibrate up and down, but we are really different versions of the same thing.

I intend I remember that we are All One Spirit; we are simply "different versions of the same thing". Post your thoughts and lets have a conversation...after all, we are the same only different!


Saturday, August 14, 2010

Is it Still Thursday?!

"Life should be a little bit nuts, otherwise it's just a bunch of Thursday's all strung together." from the movie Rumor Has It.

So I'm a planner, a coordinator, an organizer. A Controller. There I said it. A Controller.
In the meditation classes I teach, we talk about how life is messy and that's a good thing. It's perfect. (Refer to the blog: Perfection, Integrity and True Beliefs). Again it comes back to: life in this moment is perfect. Doesn't need fixing or controlling.

When I live in the moment, I don't get to control it. Instead, I get to respond to it. I get to find out my rhythms, my cycles. I am learning that I never allowed myself the opportunity to learn~much less learn to trust~ my rhythms. I've planned, coordinated, organized and controlled.... engineered my life. Which is perfect...I don't need to fix or change it...instead, I am ready to explore a new vibration and move into a different space using the tools in my life to assist me~again a reference to the previously mentioned blog.

The Art of Allowing is an opportunity for me to let go of the tight grip of control in my life. While sometimes it feels my life is actually out of control, it is very tightly controlled. When I let go and allow, it feels a little bit nuts, which is a good thing, otherwise, as the quote says, "life... is just a bunch of Thursdays strung together.

So, what day of the week is it for you? Thursday? Would love to hear from you!


Monday, August 2, 2010


No matter where I am in life~how I feel, what I think~whether I'm depressed or joyful~Gratitude is always there. When I take the time to look for it and appreciate it! It doesn't change my circumstances, however, it does change my outlook. When I approach my moment from an "attitude of gratitude" it is a more empowering, fulfilling moment. And the truth is we only have this moment. No more, no less.

Sometimes I think I am broken and need fixing. Not true. When I meet myself where I am, no matter where that is, I can find gratitude. When I find gratitude, I find I am empowered to move, adjust what I thought was broken and reap the rewards of my action.

Many people think gratitude is a thought or feeling. While it is those things, it is also an expression, an action. When I feel gratitude, movement is sure to accompany it...if not, then what I am feeling is not gratitude!

I've found helpful the suggestion to write my gratitude list every day. Start with 5 things, and every day add 5 things to my list. When I am feeling broken and can't find gratitude, the list serves as a tool, a reminder, of the many people, experiences and things I am grateful for.

Today five things I am grateful for are: 1) My healthy soul, mind and body; 2) My husband, family and friends; 3) My passion expressed through my successful business, All One Spirit; 4) My home and the ability to nurture and care for it; 5) Laughter, Joy & Happiness.

What are 5 things you are grateful for?

Monday, July 26, 2010

Perfection, Integrity and True Beliefs

August 9, 2010:

"It's far better to face the consequences of your true beliefs than to compromise your integrity."

"I gently return to equilibrium, nurtured by a well spring of love. I, the soul, am washed and soothed by the quiet energies of stillness. Embracing the vastness of my inner landscape, I understand the cycles of growth and decay.
-Neale Donald Walsch

Do I really understand that everything is perfect just as it is? Do I really understand that to deny this truth is to deny that the Universe is always in support of me, or in other words, to deny God? Do I really understand that I AM perfect just as I AM? I am not broken. I don't need fixing. I understand the cycles of growth and decay, and that if I am feeling discomfort, sadness, anger, fear or anything challenging or uncomfortable, it means I am holding on to something that no longer works for me. It does not mean I need fixing or healing, it means I am perfect as I am and I can let go of that which no longer belongs to me. My vibration has changed.

I am often afraid to face the consequences of my true beliefs and instead compromise my integrity. I don't know if I fully understand why I am afraid...there are many reasons. I may not be accepted, I may have to change some things, I don't want to do the work right now...

However I understand that it will come to me in time, if I allow it. Instead of running off in many directions trying to change or fix what I think is broken, I can, instead, gently return to harmony, allowing the stillness of perfection to lead me where I need to be.

I realize that healing is an inside job. So many of us get caught up in looking outside of ourselves for a fix, for something or someone outside of ourselves to heal us. Some look to alcohol, drugs, sex, friends, government, religion, healers, stones, crystals, doctors, gurus, etc. The truth for me is: 1) if I am looking outside of myself for an answer, I am compromising my integrity, for the answer lies within and 2) people, places and things outside of me are tools to aid me to equilibrium and harmony, thus returning me to my true beliefs. They are not the be-all, end-all cure! So, when I am not looking inside for the answer I use the tools outside of me to help me find the answer, knowing they will guide me to my inner truth.

This means I use my gift of discernment to determine from who, what and where I seek my support. They do not fix or heal me. They support me. (And this means I automatically support them, for one cannot exist without the other.) This is empowerment. This is healing. This is perfection. Anything else is turning my power, my responsibility, my life over to someone else.

I can't speak for you. This is my voice, my belief. I suspect, however, for some of you this will ring true. For others, not. If this has affected you one way or another, I ask you to consider it. Think about it. Find out what fits for you, what doesn't. And then ask yourself why. You are invited to face the consequences of your true beliefs.


Sunday, July 25, 2010

Monday Morning Motivation

Motivation. Where does it come from and how do we get it??!!!

I'm discovering that for me, it begins with my passion. When I do things I love, the motivation comes. I've set up several things throughout the week that I love so to accomplish them, it requires I take pre-action. For instance, having my office and healing room out of my home has helped me keep my home clean! I gotta keep it simple here folks! But the motivation to clean escapes me often, so having this set up helps!

Then, I was recently reminded that I could set a timer for 30 minutes and tackle a project just for that time-span. When the timer goes off, I stop. That has helped me out too, though I must say sometimes I do 15 minutes ~ that works too.

But I guess just picking a place and starting. Just a little. The universe is always in support of us ~ ALWAYS!! No matter what. So, no matter where I am (or where you are) I can just start from there. Then applying the little sayings learned throughout life has helped, like "easy does it, but do it" or "one thing at a time" and then adding some encouragement like affirmations help too. Slowly, if I allow myself the time (aka practicing patience) I begin to build momentum, or a foundaiton. From there, it just keeps building!

I just finished a weight release class that was taught by Dave Oreshack and held here at AOS. I learned quite a bit about EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) Tapping. Tapping helps calm the emotions and, as an emotional eater, it calms me enough to think before I act! I figured if it could help me in times of cravings, it could help me throughout the day on anything, whether I could identify a feeling or not! It has helped! In fact, I just start tapping for no reason, other than to believe that it is releasing whatever needs to be released. It is not necessary that I know what it is or why it is there....just release it!

Tapping uses the meridians throughout our body (similar to acupuncture) and releases blocked energy. It has helped me. For instance on week 1 I tapped to release emotions around night eating, in particular popcorn (which I ate alot of several times a week!!). Since that first class 3 weeks ago, I have not had popcorn and my night eating is reduced to 4 times in 3 weeks! Now you gotta understand this is nothing short of a miracle! It is building a foundation to helping me in other areas. I'm building momentum, becoming motivated to do more, try harder, etc. My clothes are already fitting me better and my back, hips, legs, knees, ankles and feet are singing my praises every day as they dance through a day! (OK well, they just feel better overall).

I guess I'm rediscovering, as I go through the circle of life, that just making a small start, anywhere, somewhere, can build momentum and motivation. I'm grateful it's here today.


Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Ahhh, the Beautiful, Wonderful Breath

Happy Tuesday! I awoke yesterday quite exhausted! Hmmm, nights sleep, wake up, exhausted?? Then, I took in a breath. I think it started from a yawn, but when I inhaled, I realized I was oxygen-deprived! I took in the nice refreshing oxygen and relished the feeling as my lungs expanded. The air felt cool and revitalizing. I was surprised to realize that I'd been deprived of oxygen while sleeping.

Several times throughout the day I'd had conversations with friends about breathing, without having mentioned my morning experience. Then, last evening, my beautiful friend and sister-in-law who is 7 months pregnant spoke of breathing and how calming and relaxing it is for her, especially now (she also if I'd gotten my weekly blog out yet.... :-0 )!

So I was once again reminded how important our breath is. It is something that we all do, sometimes more consciously than others. Breathing into my fears, my anger, my stress, my overwhelm, my joy, my beauty, my meditation, my food...

I am taking a weight release program using tapping and hypnosis that is held at All One Spirit and is taught by Dave Oreshack, a successful tapper and hypnotist! I have already made changes easily where food and eating is concerned! In light of my breathing (or not breathing as the case may be) at night, I am aware I may possibly have sleep apnea, which is sometimes (but not always) helped by weight loss. I find the synchronization of the breathing awareness and the weight release to be acknowledged and appreciated!

I hope you are all breathing deeply, lovingly and appreciating each and every breath you take! Allow it fill you, relax you, revitalize you and love you.


Monday, July 12, 2010

Tapping to the Changes!

Hello! I attended the weight release program held here at All One Spirit last night. Have Dave Oreshack training us in tapping and hypnosis...combining tools to use so when the cravings come they can be released via tapping, and with hypnosis we are changing the subconscious or unconscious mind, which drives the conscious mind....

Well, so far its working! I've tapped several times with several messages, and I'm holding my image and thoughts of my goal. I am learning at a new more conscious level, my thoughts and patterns regarding food and exercise. It is interesting to learn and I'm not feeling intimidated!

I intend to stay conscious of my goal, and use the tools I am learning. I believe that these tools combined with my intention to change, my commitment to change, I am successful!

It is a journey I've started at this time and I intend the path to be a beautiful journey filled with many new experiences and a few tears as I shed the unwanted, no longer needed burdens!


Wednesday, July 7, 2010

I Am Perfect!

Hey, I must have been on summer vacation or something! But I'm back :)

So I'm really focusing on change through cell regeneration. I've worked with this for years and I'm refocusing my efforts. Emotional and physical changes have brought this to light again and my healing mentors have brought it to my attention again.

If you are not sure of what cell regeneration is, think back to school days when we learned that our cells regenerate continuously and that we actually are forever giving birth to new eyes, ears, organs such as spleen, liver, etc. And while I forget the time line on the regeneration of those things, I do remember it takes 7 years to regenerate a complete new skin. It just begs the question, "If we re-create the parts of our bodies with new parts many, many, many times in our lifetime, how is it possible that we still have disease and sickness? How is it possible that we have emotional distress?"

Well, as we learned in school, our cells reproduce from memory. They reproduce what they know. That is their function. Case closed? No! Our cells have memory!! What if....

I've read books about how people have, through changing the memory in their cells, reproduced healthy parts of their body. Psychiatrists, Kinesiologists, Chiropractors, Hypnotists, Energy Healers all know this to be true from our experiences. We can change the memories of our cells so that when they reproduce, they reproduce the new memory.

There are many approaches to changing our memories. What methods are you using? I'd love to have this discussion! What are you creating?

For me, I use the modalities that resonate with me. There are so many out there. As a Reiki Master, Hypnotist, Meditator, Celebrant, and seeking guidance from others, I am immersed in a way of life that supports this type of change. It is my life's work.

My mantra as of late is "I am perfect". When I say this, I realize I am whole and complete. I really shouldn't have to say more than that, because that is all there is to say. I don't need to explain what that means. It is all-inclusive. I am Perfect.


Monday, June 21, 2010

Let Go and Trust

What a great week! Since my shift, I've discovered at a deeper level, that the Universe really is in support of me, no matter what. And, I've been acting and responding to life in that manner. As such, I have been allowing myself to delve deeper into healing. And, I'm so grateful to my husband for his constant love and support.

I'm working through some PTS (post traumatic stress) which as it releases, is getting stuck in my muscles and has become quite painful. I do not take any medication now so I'm using all natural tools to work through this. I've gotten in touch once again, with my two life-lessons: Letting Go and Trust. My mantra meditation these days include "I Allow" as my chant.

I think this is great. It is not easy...pain, sleeplessness, anxiety, tension and so many things are present during this time of Healing. But that is just is a time of Healing! How wonderful is that! I am discovering my strength, my trust, my creativity, my fears, my blocks...all of it. I am not putting a time limit on this...I'm not going to rush through it, try to fix it, change it, judge it, hide it or use it.

I used to believe that it was horrible to go through these learning/healing experiences because I thought it reflected that there was something fundamentally wrong with me. I don't think so anymore. I believe that I am perfect just as I am and that any learning/healing experiences I am blessed with, brings me closer to my Life Purpose.

So, I'm going through this with grace and dignity. Well, ok, not always , but I am having fun anyway!

Are you going through any changes? How are you handling them? What tools are you using?

I'd love to have a discussion with you all!


Monday, June 14, 2010

Awaken and Allow: The Art of Vulnerability

Awaken and Allow yourself to have a Great Day Today!
Thanks to KJ for comments on last blog, sharing the 3 principles connected with the law of least effort! If you haven't checked them out, it's worth the read!
Hmmm. These past two weeks I have been vulnerable. Vulnerable in this situation meant putting myself out there even though I wanted to hide what was going on. I did that. It also rocked me to the core, filleting me to my bones. However, I've come to believe I could trust that no matter what, the Universe is always in support of me. No matter what, everything that happens is for my greatest good. Because I could trust that outcome, I was able to become vulnerable enough to bare my soul.
When it was over, I felt raw and again, very vulnerable. In this situation vulnerable meant I felt fragile. I could have done what I usually do: isolate and push forward. Instead, I nurtured my spirit and slowly, calmly asked myself what I needed to feel whole again. I did what came to mind. While I spent time alone just simply allowing me to be, I did not feel isolated. I felt responsible. Responsible to protect myself. I was gentle and kind and didn't "pick myself up by the boot straps" or "kick it into gear" or "suck it up" or any other harsh, pushy things we usually coach ourselves with. No, I wandered with purpose, contemplating where I go from here. I didn't judge myself and allowed myself to be.
As I slowly rejoin my life, I find that I am responding differently. Just in small ways; taking care of myself in ways I would have ignored in the past. Gentle, loving kindness. Maitre.
This process of life never ceases to amaze me. Just as the grass grows, flowers bloom and the birds sing, I awaken and allow my highest and best life, love, health and happiness to be.
Awaken and Allow. My mantra these days.
What's going on with you? Let's start the discussion today!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Law of Least Effort

I woke up this morning thinking about the Law of Least Effort as a possible topic for today's blog. I wasn't convinced, but it has been on my mind, since our Second Sunday Spirit Food Group is researching it this month and we will be talking about it this coming Sunday. As with all things, that which we give our attention to, manifests. When I read my Horoscope this morning, I knew I needed to write about this topic! I think many people really misunderstand this law. I did for many years and I continued to even as I was actively learning about it in the 1980's! This Law is aka Path of Least Resistance and often referred to as "go with the flow".

I think on the surface we think its one thing but when we look at it, it is really something different! An example is the horoscope I said "Don't just say yes to your friends because it's even easier than usual now to take the path of least resistance." It could also be interpreted as instead of "going with the flow, go upstream". I took this to mean that the horoscope was telling me that if I say "no" to my friends I am not taking the path of least resistance. This is a misunderstanding of the law.

The law means that though it might appear to be easier to go with the flow or appear that you are taking the path of least resistance, you may in fact, be actually doing the opposite. Again, referring to the horoscope....If I'm saying "yes" to my friends when my heart is wanting to say "no" the path of least resistance would be to say "no"! The path of least resistance means I am true to my heart's desire, not saying "yes" because it appears to be easier in the moment!

I've heard this law referred to as "deferred gratification". I might think I want something in the moment, but if it moves me away from my heart's desire, it is not the path of Least Effort, nor is it going with the flow! Going with the flow means we are headed downstream and not fighting the flow of energy within ourselves. If we are not being true to our beliefs, we are not headed downstream, though it may appear or even feel that way!

In the early 1980's I started learning about this law, but with different wording. I heard, "plan the plan and leave the outcome up to God". Or, "Follow what is in your heart and leave the rest to God, the details are not your business". The Universe responds to our heart's desires. Once we've expressed them, the how, when, where, who (details) are taken care of by the Universe (God). When I bog myself down with those details, I've lost the spirit of my heart's desire because I am now focused on "making it happen" and while it may seem that I'm taking the path of least of resistance or going with the flow, I have in fact headed upstream and removed myself from the "flow" of my heart's desire. You see, we expect ourselves and others expect it from us, to work out those details; to struggle through to the other side. And then we call it "going with the flow" or the "path of least resistance" because it is easier to cave into the pressure of working out the details, than to follow our heart's desires.

Looking into this law at first seemed obvious...go with the flow....but when I considered how deceiving this can be I've discovered the many ways we use thoughts and words to lead us away from our true path of least resistance ~ by following the law of least effort and allowing the Universe to work out the details!

I'd love to start a dialog on this! Share your view!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Art of Relaxation

I love the process of life! I have been really working hard getting ready for the MarketPlace on the Square in East Troy (which goes on all summer on Saturdays 11-5 ~ and we plan to be there for most of them!). This involved long days and little sleep. I loved every second of it, however, when the event was over Saturday, I was quite exhausted. I'd planned to work on Sunday and take Monday off. My Body, Mind and Spirit, however, asked for two days off!

At first, I resisted. It was interesting to watch the thread of thoughts reveal themselves; to follow that thread to the end (or beginning). I realized that I am a very driven woman, and I had a belief that if I wasn't working every moment, I was somehow not being true to myself. Starting my own business meant that I had to pressure myself into a super-human performance level! By Sunday morning, I chose a different path.

I went to bed early Saturday night and slept the whole night through. I woke up feeling very relaxed and in touch with my gentle side. I did my morning breath work and relaxation/stretch routine. In that moment, I knew I would be taking Sunday and Monday off. I realized that I do give my all and that part of giving means taking. It felt good to honor my needs, knowing that by taking time off, I was actually contributing to my work because I was allowing my spirit to be refilled, my mind to relax and my body to rest.

So, you get the blog on Tuesday! So how and when do you practice the art of relaxation?

Monday, May 24, 2010

Cause and Effect

I am still so amazed at the Law of Karma. The many ways in which stepping into my passion has affected my life astounds me. Changes come naturally. I once read the words "repetition confirms and strengthens habit, and faith becomes natural". It is true. However, I am in awe of what comes naturally when we live in our passion! I have energy that I have not had in years. I wake up every morning excited to have a full-time job, again, something I haven't had in many years. I work from sun up until sun down and then some! I love what I do! My enthusiasm for life is back and I honestly don't know if I've ever felt so happy and fulfilled in my life! I dug out my juicer and have been enjoying fresh vegetable juice and have been drawn to eating foods that make me feel fantastic. The creativity flows from me; I organize my day, and accomplish those tasks I've set out to do. I stepped into my life (cause) and have passion, direction, energy, vitality and purpose (effect) that is affecting every thing I do, from sleeping, to eating, to working, to playing, to laughing to loving!

For those who have stepped into your life, share with us your experience with the Cause and Effect. For those who stand on the edge wanting to step into your life, share with us your hesitation(s). We are all in this together and as expressed above, one thing leads to another confirming our knowledge that we are all connected ~ there is no separation...we are All One Spirit! Have a GREAT week!


Sunday, May 16, 2010

Creators Welcome!

The following excerpt is from The Intenders Newsletter. The local chapter of Intenders of the Highest Good ( holds their meetings at All One Spirit.

When I read this, I realized how very grateful I am to have stepped into my life. I had been disconnected for some time and "trying to make it work". I am no longer forcing myself to live and be something I am not. I have surrendered to my Higher Self and am creating a world of Joy and Fulfillment. I am grateful to have friends who love and support me and to meet new friends who are of like-mind.

Where are you with creating your world of Joy and Changing the World? What are you being called to do? Are you following the call? We can support each other every step of the way. We are not alone! Let's do it together!

The Time When You Would Be Called Upon...

In seeking to become more proficient at using the Laws of Manifestation, we are moving toward the light and we are bringing that light back to the Earth, her people, and all who live here. We have known before we came here and occupied these bodies that there would be a time when we would be called upon to follow Spirit without hesitation, to stay positive, and to live in the light on a daily basis. That time is now. Our job is to remember who we are and to remember the light that we carry with us.

Indeed, our purpose is being revealed to us now so that we can spread our wings and cover this Earth with that which is our creation. For, as the cleansing of the Earth proceeds, we are realizing, each in our own way, that we can create any reality we choose and that nothing stands in the way of us creating Heaven on Earth even now in this moment. How do we do it? We create the new Earth simply by finding our joy. When we access our joy, everyone and everything around us is affected in a positive way. Then, from that joy, we can turn any area into an area of light, love, and peace, where all our needs are met NOW. This is our task. This is why we came here at this time.

Share your thoughts and experiences by commenting to this topic!


Monday, May 10, 2010

Are you Perfect or Unworthy?

Regarding worthiness, I believe we are 100% worthy all the time no matter what. I believe that worthiness is not attached to what we do or do not do, we do not have to earn it nor can we loose it. Worthiness just is. And it is ours to accept or not.

Sometimes we attach worthiness and other emotions to our actions so we can excuse or justify our behavior. For instance, a client wanted to do something she loved, but she did not feel worthy. The result was that she didn't follow through on a commitment, nor did she call to cancel ~ she took no action and then later, with great shame and guilt, said she was unable to cancel because she felt so unworthy. Our actions speak for themselves and do not need excuses, explanations or justifications. What is interesting is, we are really talking ourselves into believing the story!

It would be wise, if we (humans) learn to keep it simple and just allow what is to be and accept ourselves, high and low vibrations alike! In other words, you are perfect just as you are!

My vibration is lower today and I am perfect and worthy just as I am. Where are you at? Can you lean into what is, right now? What story are you telling yourself about who you are?

Monday, May 3, 2010

Spiritual Law of Karma / Perfect Health

In our Second Sunday Spirit Food Group ("SSSFG" or "Second Sunday") we are researching the Spiritual Law of Karma, also known as the Law of Cause and Effect and the Law of As You Sow So Shall You Reap. As the result, I am entering a deeper level of connection to what I am creating. Having recently Stepped into My Life (see my first blog), I had become aware that my actions were not matching my beliefs ~ I lived in Fear ~ and I had created a world of pain and suffering.

As a Reiki Master and Teacher, a Spiritual Advisor/Minister, a Meditator, an Intender of the Highest Good and as a person who believes we are all connected and studied different paths, I had been unable to step out of Fear and into Trust.

Therefore, I am taking another Step into My Life: I am in Perfect Health! By owning this statement, I am letting go of the Fear which caused me to live in physical pain. I am stepping into Trust. I intend a life of Perfect Health. I now put into use all the tools I have manifested. I now take the Next Step into My Life: Perfect Health. I create ~ cause ~trust. I receive ~ effect ~ a body at ease without pain. I am living the truth of my mind/body connection.

This journey is exciting because it means that once again, I am turning around and walking away from a belief system that was put into place in childhood yet has contradicted my true inner beliefs ~ my true reason for being here on Earth.

It begins with me and then moves beyond me. As the Planet's Energy is shifting toward it's big change, so are we as humans. I love that I walk with other Luminaries and that I am never alone! Your continued commitment to living a Conscious Life keeps me going! The exchange of Energy between us is vital to our continued success!

Where are YOU at? Are you working to shift any mind/body connections? What are you creating in your life? How is the Law of Karma working in your life? (We will be discussing the Law of Karma in detail this coming Sunday, May 9 from 9:00-11:00. Check the website for more details.)

I am excited to be shifting my life and a part of shifting other Lives, our Community, State, Country, World, our Planet ~ to one of Trust, Unconditional Love, Peace, Perfect Health. The Law of Karma. In Practice. In Thought, Word, Action. I create Perfect Health.


Sunday, April 25, 2010

Healing Meditation ~ Monthly Meditation Circle

This past Thursday was our Monthly Meditation Circle and I had the most amazing, powerful healing meditation I've ever had! We meditated for 30 minutes and the focus was on healing ~ first ourselves and then to spread it out from there.

Since I've stepped into my life a month ago, I've noticed that I am able to more deeply relax in my meditations. So, when I started the healing meditation on Thursday, I was very deeply touched by the flow of healing energy throughout my body. After I worked on myself, I then began to spread it outward toward others and had one of the most profound experiences!

First, I envisioned sending healing and perfect health to my husband and both of our families and their spouses family. I immediately saw and felt them surrounding me. We both have relatives in different countries, and I could see the healing and perfect health spreading to others there. I then thought of my friends their families. Again, I felt them surrounding me. Then I saw communities filled with the opportunity to heal and to have perfect health! The healing and perfect health then filled states, and in a while, I felt the whole world covered in healing and perfect health. I envisioned it, I felt it, I visualized it! It was pulsing and flowing and glowing. The whole world.

I then realized not everyone would accept the healing but that millions had. I asked those millions who'd accepted the healing to continue holding the light and healing in their area. Every day now, before I start the day, I think about the millions of people out there ~ all of us sending love, light and healing to everyone everywhere and I smile.

I love this stuff!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Soul Nouishment

After a beautiful week-end of Reiki Class and gardening (ok, weeding!), I find I feel nourished. Nourishing the soul is something I value more and more with each choice I make to honor my soul-connection. Sometimes the choices seem opposite of everything I (thought I) learned as a child from my parents and even later as a young adult in society. As a "thinker", and one who in the past has not always trusted my feelings, I am learning to "feel" my way.

The more I work with creating my life, the more I understand that the "spark" of that creation is the great feeling I get when I envision my creation complete. That spark of "feeling great" is strong and pure in its moment. It is important because it draws to it, or attracts, the very thing I'm creating. So, as I become a stronger creator in my life, I feel more and more. Of course, action follows the thought because when I do the next thing in front of me, the Universe does it's thing, the "hows" and "whens" of the creation.

It's an amazing process and while I've had glimpses of it before, stepping into my heart's desire and immersing myself brings about a soul nourishment I've never known before.

What are you doing to nourish your soul? Together we support each other and sharing our ideas is one of those ways. We would love to hear from you about your soul nourishment! Namaste.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Life. Live It Like You Love It!

I have been having so much fun connecting with people these past few weeks! Some are already shining their light brightly, others are just taking the leap, some are clearing the path and others are just discovering their inner-truth. No matter where we are in our journey, there is joy.

I have recently "come out" from under the bushel, so to speak with regard to my light. I've run across many who, like me, had dimmed their light in order to get along or "fit in" in life. Many of us have this incredible energy we want to develop and share with others, yet instead of bringing it forth and stepping into our true spirit-self, we shut it down. We may not want to upset our family, or partner, or we may be afraid of the unknown, or we may be faced with beliefs we adapted in our childhood that no longer fit ~ or, more likely, all of the above!

When we repeatedly shut down our intuition in this way, we often see the consequences most obviously in our health. We store this energy somewhere in our body and after time, we start to have health issues. We're trying to stuff this really big and wonderful spirit into this body because we are afraid to let it come out to live!

But that is what we are here for ~ To Live! And so... Life. Live It Like You Love It!


Monday, April 5, 2010

Fear and Security

One of my fears has to do with security. In looking at what makes me secure, I discovered a belief I think I learned from my parents. I used to believe that my security lies outside of myself. For instance, I used to think that if I worked for someone else, I would be secure. I would have a steady paycheck, insurance and retirement. I have worked for someone else my whole life and have none of those securities.

When the company my husband worked for closed its doors in December, we were faced with this very issue in a very real way. It also was an issue I had been dealing with internally for well over a year. I was in a job that no longer was for my Highest Good, or for the Highest Good of all involved. Many things brought us to that point, but that is where we were. I struggled with letting go. I thought there must be more I could do because I was desperate to hold on to the “security” of this job.

The past year I held the Knowledge that I would be shown what I needed to do. In the meantime, things got more and more uncomfortable at work. Fortunately, I had All One Spirit~my business, my husband and my friends to keep me going. I was caught in the fear of where my security would come from if I let go of that job. Even though I would focus on what I was intending, I was vibrating at the level of fear. Time to play “Let’s Make A Deal”! Still looking for that false sense of security, I was making deals with the Universe… “If you’ll provide another job...”, or “if you’ll provide steady income, I’ll move forward”. I was afraid to walk forward in my life, to step into my own security. When I have fear that gets stuck in my body, it goes somewhere, and not surprisingly, the arthritic spurs in my toe got so bad that I could not walk without pain.

I envisioned what the worst case scenario was. The worst case for me, was I snuff out my light; give up my hope, continue to live someone else’s life. That is exactly where I was headed. The harder I tried to avoid it, the stronger the resistance was. What we resist persists. Once I could come to terms with that, I was able to move forward. I got the toe fixed and left the job ~ walking forward and stepping into my life! As I said, I knew the Universe is always in support of me and I would be shown what I needed to do. I now have a full-time job in my passion ~ All One Spirit! And, by my moving forward, the security that job offers became available to someone who needs it!

Where does your security lie? Are you placing your security in someone or something outside of yourself? What are your beliefs about this?

Monday, March 29, 2010

I Love and Support Myself.

I love and support myself. When I allow myself the foundation to be, I am immediately in abundance. When I am in abundance, I am safe; I am giving and sharing; I am at peace. When I live in Peace, that peace spreads to all I meet. I create a kind, loving peaceful world. I love and support myself.

I love and support myself. As anyone who walks the Journey knows, this means getting in touch with my Heart's Desire and bringing it forward consciously and lovingly in my life! Following our Heart's Desire is why we are here, however, we can still have fear or doubt when putting it into practice. Courage means we follow our Heart's Desire in spite of the fear or doubt. It is so much better to walk the Journey of our Heart with like-hearted people~others who are living consciously. Conscious living takes courage and one way we do this is by loving and supporting ourselves. Enjoy the week. Namaste.