Monday, July 12, 2010

Tapping to the Changes!

Hello! I attended the weight release program held here at All One Spirit last night. Have Dave Oreshack training us in tapping and hypnosis...combining tools to use so when the cravings come they can be released via tapping, and with hypnosis we are changing the subconscious or unconscious mind, which drives the conscious mind....

Well, so far its working! I've tapped several times with several messages, and I'm holding my image and thoughts of my goal. I am learning at a new more conscious level, my thoughts and patterns regarding food and exercise. It is interesting to learn and I'm not feeling intimidated!

I intend to stay conscious of my goal, and use the tools I am learning. I believe that these tools combined with my intention to change, my commitment to change, I am successful!

It is a journey I've started at this time and I intend the path to be a beautiful journey filled with many new experiences and a few tears as I shed the unwanted, no longer needed burdens!



  1. Wonderful to read... keep me/us posted. Wishing I could have attended! Letting go is an amazing process.

  2. Thanks for your support! Quick update: I'm still tapping and learning more as I go! I am using the tool and enjoy it. Also, there will be another class this fall!
