Monday, June 21, 2010

Let Go and Trust

What a great week! Since my shift, I've discovered at a deeper level, that the Universe really is in support of me, no matter what. And, I've been acting and responding to life in that manner. As such, I have been allowing myself to delve deeper into healing. And, I'm so grateful to my husband for his constant love and support.

I'm working through some PTS (post traumatic stress) which as it releases, is getting stuck in my muscles and has become quite painful. I do not take any medication now so I'm using all natural tools to work through this. I've gotten in touch once again, with my two life-lessons: Letting Go and Trust. My mantra meditation these days include "I Allow" as my chant.

I think this is great. It is not easy...pain, sleeplessness, anxiety, tension and so many things are present during this time of Healing. But that is just is a time of Healing! How wonderful is that! I am discovering my strength, my trust, my creativity, my fears, my blocks...all of it. I am not putting a time limit on this...I'm not going to rush through it, try to fix it, change it, judge it, hide it or use it.

I used to believe that it was horrible to go through these learning/healing experiences because I thought it reflected that there was something fundamentally wrong with me. I don't think so anymore. I believe that I am perfect just as I am and that any learning/healing experiences I am blessed with, brings me closer to my Life Purpose.

So, I'm going through this with grace and dignity. Well, ok, not always , but I am having fun anyway!

Are you going through any changes? How are you handling them? What tools are you using?

I'd love to have a discussion with you all!


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