Sunday, April 25, 2010

Healing Meditation ~ Monthly Meditation Circle

This past Thursday was our Monthly Meditation Circle and I had the most amazing, powerful healing meditation I've ever had! We meditated for 30 minutes and the focus was on healing ~ first ourselves and then to spread it out from there.

Since I've stepped into my life a month ago, I've noticed that I am able to more deeply relax in my meditations. So, when I started the healing meditation on Thursday, I was very deeply touched by the flow of healing energy throughout my body. After I worked on myself, I then began to spread it outward toward others and had one of the most profound experiences!

First, I envisioned sending healing and perfect health to my husband and both of our families and their spouses family. I immediately saw and felt them surrounding me. We both have relatives in different countries, and I could see the healing and perfect health spreading to others there. I then thought of my friends their families. Again, I felt them surrounding me. Then I saw communities filled with the opportunity to heal and to have perfect health! The healing and perfect health then filled states, and in a while, I felt the whole world covered in healing and perfect health. I envisioned it, I felt it, I visualized it! It was pulsing and flowing and glowing. The whole world.

I then realized not everyone would accept the healing but that millions had. I asked those millions who'd accepted the healing to continue holding the light and healing in their area. Every day now, before I start the day, I think about the millions of people out there ~ all of us sending love, light and healing to everyone everywhere and I smile.

I love this stuff!

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