Sunday, July 25, 2010

Monday Morning Motivation

Motivation. Where does it come from and how do we get it??!!!

I'm discovering that for me, it begins with my passion. When I do things I love, the motivation comes. I've set up several things throughout the week that I love so to accomplish them, it requires I take pre-action. For instance, having my office and healing room out of my home has helped me keep my home clean! I gotta keep it simple here folks! But the motivation to clean escapes me often, so having this set up helps!

Then, I was recently reminded that I could set a timer for 30 minutes and tackle a project just for that time-span. When the timer goes off, I stop. That has helped me out too, though I must say sometimes I do 15 minutes ~ that works too.

But I guess just picking a place and starting. Just a little. The universe is always in support of us ~ ALWAYS!! No matter what. So, no matter where I am (or where you are) I can just start from there. Then applying the little sayings learned throughout life has helped, like "easy does it, but do it" or "one thing at a time" and then adding some encouragement like affirmations help too. Slowly, if I allow myself the time (aka practicing patience) I begin to build momentum, or a foundaiton. From there, it just keeps building!

I just finished a weight release class that was taught by Dave Oreshack and held here at AOS. I learned quite a bit about EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) Tapping. Tapping helps calm the emotions and, as an emotional eater, it calms me enough to think before I act! I figured if it could help me in times of cravings, it could help me throughout the day on anything, whether I could identify a feeling or not! It has helped! In fact, I just start tapping for no reason, other than to believe that it is releasing whatever needs to be released. It is not necessary that I know what it is or why it is there....just release it!

Tapping uses the meridians throughout our body (similar to acupuncture) and releases blocked energy. It has helped me. For instance on week 1 I tapped to release emotions around night eating, in particular popcorn (which I ate alot of several times a week!!). Since that first class 3 weeks ago, I have not had popcorn and my night eating is reduced to 4 times in 3 weeks! Now you gotta understand this is nothing short of a miracle! It is building a foundation to helping me in other areas. I'm building momentum, becoming motivated to do more, try harder, etc. My clothes are already fitting me better and my back, hips, legs, knees, ankles and feet are singing my praises every day as they dance through a day! (OK well, they just feel better overall).

I guess I'm rediscovering, as I go through the circle of life, that just making a small start, anywhere, somewhere, can build momentum and motivation. I'm grateful it's here today.


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