Monday, June 14, 2010

Awaken and Allow: The Art of Vulnerability

Awaken and Allow yourself to have a Great Day Today!
Thanks to KJ for comments on last blog, sharing the 3 principles connected with the law of least effort! If you haven't checked them out, it's worth the read!
Hmmm. These past two weeks I have been vulnerable. Vulnerable in this situation meant putting myself out there even though I wanted to hide what was going on. I did that. It also rocked me to the core, filleting me to my bones. However, I've come to believe I could trust that no matter what, the Universe is always in support of me. No matter what, everything that happens is for my greatest good. Because I could trust that outcome, I was able to become vulnerable enough to bare my soul.
When it was over, I felt raw and again, very vulnerable. In this situation vulnerable meant I felt fragile. I could have done what I usually do: isolate and push forward. Instead, I nurtured my spirit and slowly, calmly asked myself what I needed to feel whole again. I did what came to mind. While I spent time alone just simply allowing me to be, I did not feel isolated. I felt responsible. Responsible to protect myself. I was gentle and kind and didn't "pick myself up by the boot straps" or "kick it into gear" or "suck it up" or any other harsh, pushy things we usually coach ourselves with. No, I wandered with purpose, contemplating where I go from here. I didn't judge myself and allowed myself to be.
As I slowly rejoin my life, I find that I am responding differently. Just in small ways; taking care of myself in ways I would have ignored in the past. Gentle, loving kindness. Maitre.
This process of life never ceases to amaze me. Just as the grass grows, flowers bloom and the birds sing, I awaken and allow my highest and best life, love, health and happiness to be.
Awaken and Allow. My mantra these days.
What's going on with you? Let's start the discussion today!

1 comment:

  1. When I read this today, I though of the blog I'd just written! It fits!
    "You are on the leading edge of thought, taking thought beyond that which it has been before. Who cares what thoughts have led up to this. You're standing in the fresh now, and many of the thoughts that you vehemently oppose are the very thoughts that have given you the desire that has attracted the clarity of where you now stand. No matter how awful you think they might be, all were of value in the evolution forward. Every one of them."

    --- Abraham

    Excerpted from the workshop in Philadelphia, PA on Tuesday, April 14th, 1998 #470

    Our Love,
    Jerry and Esther
