Saturday, August 14, 2010

Is it Still Thursday?!

"Life should be a little bit nuts, otherwise it's just a bunch of Thursday's all strung together." from the movie Rumor Has It.

So I'm a planner, a coordinator, an organizer. A Controller. There I said it. A Controller.
In the meditation classes I teach, we talk about how life is messy and that's a good thing. It's perfect. (Refer to the blog: Perfection, Integrity and True Beliefs). Again it comes back to: life in this moment is perfect. Doesn't need fixing or controlling.

When I live in the moment, I don't get to control it. Instead, I get to respond to it. I get to find out my rhythms, my cycles. I am learning that I never allowed myself the opportunity to learn~much less learn to trust~ my rhythms. I've planned, coordinated, organized and controlled.... engineered my life. Which is perfect...I don't need to fix or change it...instead, I am ready to explore a new vibration and move into a different space using the tools in my life to assist me~again a reference to the previously mentioned blog.

The Art of Allowing is an opportunity for me to let go of the tight grip of control in my life. While sometimes it feels my life is actually out of control, it is very tightly controlled. When I let go and allow, it feels a little bit nuts, which is a good thing, otherwise, as the quote says, "life... is just a bunch of Thursdays strung together.

So, what day of the week is it for you? Thursday? Would love to hear from you!


1 comment:

  1. ..... what a timely posting this was. From one control nut to another... thank you... !!!
