Monday, August 23, 2010

Differences and Division

Differences confirm, and make possible, your experience of Who You Are. Divisions confuse, and render impossible, that experience. Without the differences between here and there, up and down, fast and slow, hot and cold, none of these things could be experienced. Yet there is no division between here and there, up and down, fast and slow, hot and cold. These are merely different versions of the same thing. Similarly, there are no divisions between black and white, male and female, Christian and Muslim. These are merely different versions of the same thing.
Friendship With God
Neale Donald Walsch
Page 405

I really liked this "daily thought" I received! I love learning new things, trying new things and as such, am so glad there is diversity! This allows me to learn something "different". Yet sometimes I get afraid or feel threatened by that which I do not know or understand and instead of embracing it, I resist it. I now have a point of reference for those times I am resisting that which I am unfamiliar with. I find I am particularly challenged when it comes to people who believe that their way is The Only Way. I suppose it is because I believe that MY way is The Way!

Like this reading. I believe it and I think it is the truth. However, I know people who would not believe this and argue against it. Therein lies the choice to be "divided" or to allow us to be "different". And in our difference of thought lies our sameness...we each believe that our way is the truth. It helps me to know we are different versions of the same thing because then we cannot be divided. The "same" cannot be divided nor is it separate.

I think I chose the business name "All One Spirit" because it is what I believe in my heart. We are all connected, there is a common thread between all things which creates a beautiful tapestry called life. Because we are energy vibrating at variable speeds, we vibrate at "different" speeds at "different" times. So, in my vibration as I speed up and slow down, I recognize you as you vibrate up and down, but we are really different versions of the same thing.

I intend I remember that we are All One Spirit; we are simply "different versions of the same thing". Post your thoughts and lets have a conversation...after all, we are the same only different!


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