Tuesday, October 19, 2010

There Is More Than Enough

There is more than enough of everything for everyone to live quite happily. It is simply a matter of changing your "every man for himself" economy to a "highest good for all" economy.

Tomorrow's God
Neale Donald Walsch
Page 288

I like this because is reminds me that I am one of many and we are all connected.  When you suffer, I suffer and vice versa.  When I realize this, my compassion and my desire to support your highest good comes forth.  When I support you and your highest good, I am actually supporting myself and my highest good...because when you are happy, I am happy.  And this works the other way around!  Your support of me aids in my happiness and when I am happy, you are happy!

This is not to say that we are responsible for each other's happiness or suffering, because that is not true.  We are each responsible for the condition of our spirit, our emotions, etc., however, supporting each other is different than being responsible for each other.  One is allowing and the other is enabling.

I'm so excited that we are all in this together and I envision a world where we are always in support of each other, leaving judgement behind!

Enjoy your week!

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