Tuesday, May 17, 2011

This Full Moon is Powerful!

Hello Friends, I'm Back!

Seems like with this full moon tonight I'm getting back in touch with the many shifts happening, not only within myself, but all over the world!  This full moon seems like it is a powerful one; one that is important because it seems it is important to the future.

If you have a chance tonight or tomorrow night, please take time to sit quietly and connect with that still, peaceful place inside.  The place where you Know.  When you are connected, please invite any thought, action, or belief that no longer serves you to be released.  Then, when you feel it is done, please invite any intention(s) you may have to manifest in you.   Allow the magnificent energy from the moon and the planet to fill you with all you need to accomplish that which reflects your hearts desires.

When you feel like you are filled with this amazing power, begin to envision your view of a world that is steeped in peace and love; a planet that is healthy and nurturing.  What does that look like?  Envision it and Feel it.  Then send those peaceful, loving and healing visions out into the world.  Release it and ask that the energy you are sending be added to the hundreds of thousands of other peaceful, loving and healing visions.  Ask that the power of joined peaceful, loving and healing visions reign over all else.  Then, just sit and feel the powerful gratitude as it washes over you, soaks into you and becomes you.

If you can do this on a somewhat regular basis, you are assisting in the creation of the future.  It is important work and it is important that it is done at this time. Shifts are occurring within us and around us.  It is wisdom that allows us to help define the direction of these shifts.

Have fun!  Explore!  Live, Love, Laugh & Be Happy!  Namaste.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome back!!!
    Love reading your insights... makes my days!!
