Wednesday, July 7, 2010

I Am Perfect!

Hey, I must have been on summer vacation or something! But I'm back :)

So I'm really focusing on change through cell regeneration. I've worked with this for years and I'm refocusing my efforts. Emotional and physical changes have brought this to light again and my healing mentors have brought it to my attention again.

If you are not sure of what cell regeneration is, think back to school days when we learned that our cells regenerate continuously and that we actually are forever giving birth to new eyes, ears, organs such as spleen, liver, etc. And while I forget the time line on the regeneration of those things, I do remember it takes 7 years to regenerate a complete new skin. It just begs the question, "If we re-create the parts of our bodies with new parts many, many, many times in our lifetime, how is it possible that we still have disease and sickness? How is it possible that we have emotional distress?"

Well, as we learned in school, our cells reproduce from memory. They reproduce what they know. That is their function. Case closed? No! Our cells have memory!! What if....

I've read books about how people have, through changing the memory in their cells, reproduced healthy parts of their body. Psychiatrists, Kinesiologists, Chiropractors, Hypnotists, Energy Healers all know this to be true from our experiences. We can change the memories of our cells so that when they reproduce, they reproduce the new memory.

There are many approaches to changing our memories. What methods are you using? I'd love to have this discussion! What are you creating?

For me, I use the modalities that resonate with me. There are so many out there. As a Reiki Master, Hypnotist, Meditator, Celebrant, and seeking guidance from others, I am immersed in a way of life that supports this type of change. It is my life's work.

My mantra as of late is "I am perfect". When I say this, I realize I am whole and complete. I really shouldn't have to say more than that, because that is all there is to say. I don't need to explain what that means. It is all-inclusive. I am Perfect.


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