Friday, September 16, 2011

Please Send Healing!

Following is a Healing Request I sent through Healing Tree.  Healing 
Tree consists of people throughout the world who are interested in helping others.  For more information visit my web site ( 

The intention and vibration we are sending in this healing request is simply that we support all life forms including ourselves, for the Highest Good, by putting into action and utilizing not only the tools and knowledge we have been given but continue to receive at this accelerated time of change. 

Energy continues to come into our planet at increased speeds and our mother earth is processing it as fast and as best as she can – as are all her children.  All forms of life are affected at this time, as is our weather and our water and soil.
As we move forward into a new time, it is important that we step up our work.  Keeping harmony and where appropriate, balance, has become challenging.  (For those wondering, “balance” means there is no movement, and while useful in some cases can lead to stagnation in other cases while “harmony” indicates healthy movement and alignment to all systems but again, is not appropriate for all cases.  Your intuition will guide you as to when you want “harmony” and when to seek “balance”.)
Action is the key word here.  Use all the tools you have learned thus far and continue to learn about the new tools coming in.  As our language changes, as our communication techniques change, and the earth shifts toward new vibrations, it is important that we put into action all we know to help maintain harmony, balance and to remain “grounded”.  Whether you work with light, crystals, stones, animals, dousing, pendulums, planetary grids, star energy, guides, angels, prayer…all of the above, and/or other entities/energies – now is the time to keep conscious contact with them all!  Remember, intention and desire create.  While we may not physically have all the tools to work with, we do have access to books, cards, meditation, the internet etc. to focus and intend with.
For instance, I have a book on gem stones.  It describes how the properties of each stone impacts our Spiritual, Emotional/Mental and Physical bodies.  Every morning I read about a stone and intend the properties of that stone is mine for that day.  Sometimes I am drawn to a particular stone and other days I just open the book and read.  I then expand the properties of that stone to others on my healing list and the planet in general.  This simple example shows how easy it can be to pick up the many, many tools and use them daily, throughout our day.  We do not have to spend hours and hours.  We do however, have to do it! 
It is up to us…our planet – our mother – and all of us living here – needs the extra energy at this time.  Carry it forward into your daily life, you already have the habit of sending healing energy to those in need, we just need to step it up as the incoming energy increases, causing and allowing this shift to happen.  Use the tools you are called to use – variety is important and helps maintain harmony and balance.  Be around like-minded people to enhance the energy.  There are yoga and meditation centers and circles, “Intenders” groups, Spiritual and Religious organizations that meet regularly.  Find that place with people of like mind for you and amplify the power.  We all need it! 
Once again, I thank you for the work you do!  - Namaste.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Healing Contributions

What are your contributions to healing?  You can find ways in your day to creatively explore simple ways to heal.  Awareness continues to grow about the importance of conscious contribution to healing.  I believe it is time to step up our commitment to healing; to put out more energy toward healing.

It can be as simple as smiling more or being generous with our compliments.  We cannot see inside others, so your smile or kind words may heal a rawness someone may carry.  Do something nice for another.  Create a beautiful space; pick up litter when you see it or clean your work area. Stop when you hear news of a tragedy and send healing, loving thoughts to all involved.   See? Very Simple!

Healing can be more involved, such as meditating on a regular basis and visualizing people, events, situations in their highest light, as fulfilled and completed.  It can mean becoming more involved in an area of interest when helping people or our planet benefits. It can be learning healing techniques or sharing your love and caring with others on a regular basis.

You can share your healing experiences with others and get them enthused about contributing positively to life.  Healing takes place on so many levels!  I believe the consistent contribution to healing fills us with the desire to find more ways to contribute to healing.  Whether you are sending healing to a person, a plant, a pet, the earth, the solar system, politicians, your job, your friends, your boss, the weather, people who have lost their homes, their jobs....whatever..., it can be as simple as a thought, word or deed.  And when you go to bed every night, you will have a smile on your face because you know you contributed to healing and balancing.

So here's what I'm doing:  I smile at people; whether I know them or not. I reach out and offer the people I love support whenever I can.  I share my experience with others.  I learned Reiki and Hypnosis so I could help others.  I became a Minister to help others.  I teach Reiki and Meditation which incorporates visualization. I send healing to our politicians, our planet and those in need every day.  I started a network for healing, called the Healing Tree.  These are a few things I do and as you can see, there is a variety from a very simple smile to more committed things.  I do a little every day and every night when I review my day, I have an amazing smile on my face because I know, in some small way, I've contributed positively to life.

So I ask again: What are your contributions to healing?  I'd love to hear what you do! Because it matters.  It matters to me, and it matters to our society, our planet and our future.  Happy Healing!  


Tuesday, May 17, 2011

This Full Moon is Powerful!

Hello Friends, I'm Back!

Seems like with this full moon tonight I'm getting back in touch with the many shifts happening, not only within myself, but all over the world!  This full moon seems like it is a powerful one; one that is important because it seems it is important to the future.

If you have a chance tonight or tomorrow night, please take time to sit quietly and connect with that still, peaceful place inside.  The place where you Know.  When you are connected, please invite any thought, action, or belief that no longer serves you to be released.  Then, when you feel it is done, please invite any intention(s) you may have to manifest in you.   Allow the magnificent energy from the moon and the planet to fill you with all you need to accomplish that which reflects your hearts desires.

When you feel like you are filled with this amazing power, begin to envision your view of a world that is steeped in peace and love; a planet that is healthy and nurturing.  What does that look like?  Envision it and Feel it.  Then send those peaceful, loving and healing visions out into the world.  Release it and ask that the energy you are sending be added to the hundreds of thousands of other peaceful, loving and healing visions.  Ask that the power of joined peaceful, loving and healing visions reign over all else.  Then, just sit and feel the powerful gratitude as it washes over you, soaks into you and becomes you.

If you can do this on a somewhat regular basis, you are assisting in the creation of the future.  It is important work and it is important that it is done at this time. Shifts are occurring within us and around us.  It is wisdom that allows us to help define the direction of these shifts.

Have fun!  Explore!  Live, Love, Laugh & Be Happy!  Namaste.