Recently, "karma" was brought to my attention three different times, all in the same context. Something happened to three different people that they didn't like and all three (and however many they reached on facebook and other ways) responded by threatening that "karma would get the them" or that somehow bad karma would follow these people that had done the action that caused harm. While the events that happened to these three people were really upsetting experiences and I empathize with them, I think threatening someone with the Law of Karma is an interesting yet unproductive way to respond to the situation! I have to admit, I too used to use Karma as a threat too.
Having recently studied the Law of Karma in our Second Sunday Spirit Food Group, I was reminded of some things I'd learned throughout the years about Karma as well as developed a new and stronger understanding of and respect for the Law.
Not surprisingly, we have somehow turned this misunderstood life-lesson-learning-Law into yet another threatening, big-stick brute force, abusive, fear- and guilt-based punishment! And I suppose we will continue to do so until we let go of that type of fundamental belief and value that is permeated throughout our every thought! fear, guilt, shame. These are things we learned, not what is in our heart. As such, we can easily learn and practice a new way of honoring the Law of Karma. It is called Personal Responsibility.
It is true that if I intend or say or do something that is harmful, I have put it out into the Universe and that which I put out, will come back to me.
Please think about that. Re-read it. Ahh, is it registering? YES! We are such quick and intelligent people! We got it! The very thing we hated that happened to us, happened to us for a reason, and that reason is....Karma! So while we want to blame someone else for our circumstances, and even threaten them with the punishment of Karma, we seem to loose sight of why we were even involved in the first place! Life is one learning experience after another and I can either use the opportunity to learn and raise my vibration so the lesson is not repeated, in the case of a painful experience; or repeated often and even more often, in the case of a joyful experience. Because remember, Karma works in Joy also (and that which we focus our attention on....)
I am reminded of the saying: First time, shame on you; second time, shame on me. While a slightly different version of (negative) Karma, it reminds us of the same thing. While I would re-write it to say: "First time, I'll defer responsibility to you since it is your intention/word/action; second time, I'll take a look at what I'm intending, saying or doing that is drawing this life-lesson to me." I would write it that way because I have no reason for shame and neither do you. But it is how it is said in our society and it does get the point across. (And also my point that we live in a fear- and guilt-based society and until I free myself from that belief and value...I am doomed to repeat it. Hmmm sounds like Karma to me!) It also suggests that by putting off looking at it the first time, there will be a second perhaps we could just look at it the first time. That isn't always possible and once we see a pattern it becomes easier to respond. Also, I'd like to mention that everything that happens, happens for a reason. It is not "random" that what happened to me, happened to me. What happened to me may not look like what I put out there in the first place, but when it comes back to me, there is no doubt, no question, that I put something out there. It has now become my opportunity to learn and grow and become a stronger, smarter, more self-true person.
What I'm saying is that by accepting personal responsibility for my intentions, words and actions, I have the opportunity to learn more of what Life is offering. When I learn more of what Life is offering, I do not have to repeat painful experiences. When I don't repeat painful experiences, I create Joyful ones. When I create Joyful experiences, I discover more of what Life is offering.
And that, for me, is what Karma is...creating Joyful experiences so I discover more of what Life is offering.
May your week bring you many joyful experiences. I wish Joyful Karma unto You!