Monday, June 21, 2010

Let Go and Trust

What a great week! Since my shift, I've discovered at a deeper level, that the Universe really is in support of me, no matter what. And, I've been acting and responding to life in that manner. As such, I have been allowing myself to delve deeper into healing. And, I'm so grateful to my husband for his constant love and support.

I'm working through some PTS (post traumatic stress) which as it releases, is getting stuck in my muscles and has become quite painful. I do not take any medication now so I'm using all natural tools to work through this. I've gotten in touch once again, with my two life-lessons: Letting Go and Trust. My mantra meditation these days include "I Allow" as my chant.

I think this is great. It is not easy...pain, sleeplessness, anxiety, tension and so many things are present during this time of Healing. But that is just is a time of Healing! How wonderful is that! I am discovering my strength, my trust, my creativity, my fears, my blocks...all of it. I am not putting a time limit on this...I'm not going to rush through it, try to fix it, change it, judge it, hide it or use it.

I used to believe that it was horrible to go through these learning/healing experiences because I thought it reflected that there was something fundamentally wrong with me. I don't think so anymore. I believe that I am perfect just as I am and that any learning/healing experiences I am blessed with, brings me closer to my Life Purpose.

So, I'm going through this with grace and dignity. Well, ok, not always , but I am having fun anyway!

Are you going through any changes? How are you handling them? What tools are you using?

I'd love to have a discussion with you all!


Monday, June 14, 2010

Awaken and Allow: The Art of Vulnerability

Awaken and Allow yourself to have a Great Day Today!
Thanks to KJ for comments on last blog, sharing the 3 principles connected with the law of least effort! If you haven't checked them out, it's worth the read!
Hmmm. These past two weeks I have been vulnerable. Vulnerable in this situation meant putting myself out there even though I wanted to hide what was going on. I did that. It also rocked me to the core, filleting me to my bones. However, I've come to believe I could trust that no matter what, the Universe is always in support of me. No matter what, everything that happens is for my greatest good. Because I could trust that outcome, I was able to become vulnerable enough to bare my soul.
When it was over, I felt raw and again, very vulnerable. In this situation vulnerable meant I felt fragile. I could have done what I usually do: isolate and push forward. Instead, I nurtured my spirit and slowly, calmly asked myself what I needed to feel whole again. I did what came to mind. While I spent time alone just simply allowing me to be, I did not feel isolated. I felt responsible. Responsible to protect myself. I was gentle and kind and didn't "pick myself up by the boot straps" or "kick it into gear" or "suck it up" or any other harsh, pushy things we usually coach ourselves with. No, I wandered with purpose, contemplating where I go from here. I didn't judge myself and allowed myself to be.
As I slowly rejoin my life, I find that I am responding differently. Just in small ways; taking care of myself in ways I would have ignored in the past. Gentle, loving kindness. Maitre.
This process of life never ceases to amaze me. Just as the grass grows, flowers bloom and the birds sing, I awaken and allow my highest and best life, love, health and happiness to be.
Awaken and Allow. My mantra these days.
What's going on with you? Let's start the discussion today!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Law of Least Effort

I woke up this morning thinking about the Law of Least Effort as a possible topic for today's blog. I wasn't convinced, but it has been on my mind, since our Second Sunday Spirit Food Group is researching it this month and we will be talking about it this coming Sunday. As with all things, that which we give our attention to, manifests. When I read my Horoscope this morning, I knew I needed to write about this topic! I think many people really misunderstand this law. I did for many years and I continued to even as I was actively learning about it in the 1980's! This Law is aka Path of Least Resistance and often referred to as "go with the flow".

I think on the surface we think its one thing but when we look at it, it is really something different! An example is the horoscope I said "Don't just say yes to your friends because it's even easier than usual now to take the path of least resistance." It could also be interpreted as instead of "going with the flow, go upstream". I took this to mean that the horoscope was telling me that if I say "no" to my friends I am not taking the path of least resistance. This is a misunderstanding of the law.

The law means that though it might appear to be easier to go with the flow or appear that you are taking the path of least resistance, you may in fact, be actually doing the opposite. Again, referring to the horoscope....If I'm saying "yes" to my friends when my heart is wanting to say "no" the path of least resistance would be to say "no"! The path of least resistance means I am true to my heart's desire, not saying "yes" because it appears to be easier in the moment!

I've heard this law referred to as "deferred gratification". I might think I want something in the moment, but if it moves me away from my heart's desire, it is not the path of Least Effort, nor is it going with the flow! Going with the flow means we are headed downstream and not fighting the flow of energy within ourselves. If we are not being true to our beliefs, we are not headed downstream, though it may appear or even feel that way!

In the early 1980's I started learning about this law, but with different wording. I heard, "plan the plan and leave the outcome up to God". Or, "Follow what is in your heart and leave the rest to God, the details are not your business". The Universe responds to our heart's desires. Once we've expressed them, the how, when, where, who (details) are taken care of by the Universe (God). When I bog myself down with those details, I've lost the spirit of my heart's desire because I am now focused on "making it happen" and while it may seem that I'm taking the path of least of resistance or going with the flow, I have in fact headed upstream and removed myself from the "flow" of my heart's desire. You see, we expect ourselves and others expect it from us, to work out those details; to struggle through to the other side. And then we call it "going with the flow" or the "path of least resistance" because it is easier to cave into the pressure of working out the details, than to follow our heart's desires.

Looking into this law at first seemed obvious...go with the flow....but when I considered how deceiving this can be I've discovered the many ways we use thoughts and words to lead us away from our true path of least resistance ~ by following the law of least effort and allowing the Universe to work out the details!

I'd love to start a dialog on this! Share your view!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Art of Relaxation

I love the process of life! I have been really working hard getting ready for the MarketPlace on the Square in East Troy (which goes on all summer on Saturdays 11-5 ~ and we plan to be there for most of them!). This involved long days and little sleep. I loved every second of it, however, when the event was over Saturday, I was quite exhausted. I'd planned to work on Sunday and take Monday off. My Body, Mind and Spirit, however, asked for two days off!

At first, I resisted. It was interesting to watch the thread of thoughts reveal themselves; to follow that thread to the end (or beginning). I realized that I am a very driven woman, and I had a belief that if I wasn't working every moment, I was somehow not being true to myself. Starting my own business meant that I had to pressure myself into a super-human performance level! By Sunday morning, I chose a different path.

I went to bed early Saturday night and slept the whole night through. I woke up feeling very relaxed and in touch with my gentle side. I did my morning breath work and relaxation/stretch routine. In that moment, I knew I would be taking Sunday and Monday off. I realized that I do give my all and that part of giving means taking. It felt good to honor my needs, knowing that by taking time off, I was actually contributing to my work because I was allowing my spirit to be refilled, my mind to relax and my body to rest.

So, you get the blog on Tuesday! So how and when do you practice the art of relaxation?