Monday, May 24, 2010

Cause and Effect

I am still so amazed at the Law of Karma. The many ways in which stepping into my passion has affected my life astounds me. Changes come naturally. I once read the words "repetition confirms and strengthens habit, and faith becomes natural". It is true. However, I am in awe of what comes naturally when we live in our passion! I have energy that I have not had in years. I wake up every morning excited to have a full-time job, again, something I haven't had in many years. I work from sun up until sun down and then some! I love what I do! My enthusiasm for life is back and I honestly don't know if I've ever felt so happy and fulfilled in my life! I dug out my juicer and have been enjoying fresh vegetable juice and have been drawn to eating foods that make me feel fantastic. The creativity flows from me; I organize my day, and accomplish those tasks I've set out to do. I stepped into my life (cause) and have passion, direction, energy, vitality and purpose (effect) that is affecting every thing I do, from sleeping, to eating, to working, to playing, to laughing to loving!

For those who have stepped into your life, share with us your experience with the Cause and Effect. For those who stand on the edge wanting to step into your life, share with us your hesitation(s). We are all in this together and as expressed above, one thing leads to another confirming our knowledge that we are all connected ~ there is no separation...we are All One Spirit! Have a GREAT week!


Sunday, May 16, 2010

Creators Welcome!

The following excerpt is from The Intenders Newsletter. The local chapter of Intenders of the Highest Good ( holds their meetings at All One Spirit.

When I read this, I realized how very grateful I am to have stepped into my life. I had been disconnected for some time and "trying to make it work". I am no longer forcing myself to live and be something I am not. I have surrendered to my Higher Self and am creating a world of Joy and Fulfillment. I am grateful to have friends who love and support me and to meet new friends who are of like-mind.

Where are you with creating your world of Joy and Changing the World? What are you being called to do? Are you following the call? We can support each other every step of the way. We are not alone! Let's do it together!

The Time When You Would Be Called Upon...

In seeking to become more proficient at using the Laws of Manifestation, we are moving toward the light and we are bringing that light back to the Earth, her people, and all who live here. We have known before we came here and occupied these bodies that there would be a time when we would be called upon to follow Spirit without hesitation, to stay positive, and to live in the light on a daily basis. That time is now. Our job is to remember who we are and to remember the light that we carry with us.

Indeed, our purpose is being revealed to us now so that we can spread our wings and cover this Earth with that which is our creation. For, as the cleansing of the Earth proceeds, we are realizing, each in our own way, that we can create any reality we choose and that nothing stands in the way of us creating Heaven on Earth even now in this moment. How do we do it? We create the new Earth simply by finding our joy. When we access our joy, everyone and everything around us is affected in a positive way. Then, from that joy, we can turn any area into an area of light, love, and peace, where all our needs are met NOW. This is our task. This is why we came here at this time.

Share your thoughts and experiences by commenting to this topic!


Monday, May 10, 2010

Are you Perfect or Unworthy?

Regarding worthiness, I believe we are 100% worthy all the time no matter what. I believe that worthiness is not attached to what we do or do not do, we do not have to earn it nor can we loose it. Worthiness just is. And it is ours to accept or not.

Sometimes we attach worthiness and other emotions to our actions so we can excuse or justify our behavior. For instance, a client wanted to do something she loved, but she did not feel worthy. The result was that she didn't follow through on a commitment, nor did she call to cancel ~ she took no action and then later, with great shame and guilt, said she was unable to cancel because she felt so unworthy. Our actions speak for themselves and do not need excuses, explanations or justifications. What is interesting is, we are really talking ourselves into believing the story!

It would be wise, if we (humans) learn to keep it simple and just allow what is to be and accept ourselves, high and low vibrations alike! In other words, you are perfect just as you are!

My vibration is lower today and I am perfect and worthy just as I am. Where are you at? Can you lean into what is, right now? What story are you telling yourself about who you are?

Monday, May 3, 2010

Spiritual Law of Karma / Perfect Health

In our Second Sunday Spirit Food Group ("SSSFG" or "Second Sunday") we are researching the Spiritual Law of Karma, also known as the Law of Cause and Effect and the Law of As You Sow So Shall You Reap. As the result, I am entering a deeper level of connection to what I am creating. Having recently Stepped into My Life (see my first blog), I had become aware that my actions were not matching my beliefs ~ I lived in Fear ~ and I had created a world of pain and suffering.

As a Reiki Master and Teacher, a Spiritual Advisor/Minister, a Meditator, an Intender of the Highest Good and as a person who believes we are all connected and studied different paths, I had been unable to step out of Fear and into Trust.

Therefore, I am taking another Step into My Life: I am in Perfect Health! By owning this statement, I am letting go of the Fear which caused me to live in physical pain. I am stepping into Trust. I intend a life of Perfect Health. I now put into use all the tools I have manifested. I now take the Next Step into My Life: Perfect Health. I create ~ cause ~trust. I receive ~ effect ~ a body at ease without pain. I am living the truth of my mind/body connection.

This journey is exciting because it means that once again, I am turning around and walking away from a belief system that was put into place in childhood yet has contradicted my true inner beliefs ~ my true reason for being here on Earth.

It begins with me and then moves beyond me. As the Planet's Energy is shifting toward it's big change, so are we as humans. I love that I walk with other Luminaries and that I am never alone! Your continued commitment to living a Conscious Life keeps me going! The exchange of Energy between us is vital to our continued success!

Where are YOU at? Are you working to shift any mind/body connections? What are you creating in your life? How is the Law of Karma working in your life? (We will be discussing the Law of Karma in detail this coming Sunday, May 9 from 9:00-11:00. Check the website for more details.)

I am excited to be shifting my life and a part of shifting other Lives, our Community, State, Country, World, our Planet ~ to one of Trust, Unconditional Love, Peace, Perfect Health. The Law of Karma. In Practice. In Thought, Word, Action. I create Perfect Health.
