Sunday, April 25, 2010

Healing Meditation ~ Monthly Meditation Circle

This past Thursday was our Monthly Meditation Circle and I had the most amazing, powerful healing meditation I've ever had! We meditated for 30 minutes and the focus was on healing ~ first ourselves and then to spread it out from there.

Since I've stepped into my life a month ago, I've noticed that I am able to more deeply relax in my meditations. So, when I started the healing meditation on Thursday, I was very deeply touched by the flow of healing energy throughout my body. After I worked on myself, I then began to spread it outward toward others and had one of the most profound experiences!

First, I envisioned sending healing and perfect health to my husband and both of our families and their spouses family. I immediately saw and felt them surrounding me. We both have relatives in different countries, and I could see the healing and perfect health spreading to others there. I then thought of my friends their families. Again, I felt them surrounding me. Then I saw communities filled with the opportunity to heal and to have perfect health! The healing and perfect health then filled states, and in a while, I felt the whole world covered in healing and perfect health. I envisioned it, I felt it, I visualized it! It was pulsing and flowing and glowing. The whole world.

I then realized not everyone would accept the healing but that millions had. I asked those millions who'd accepted the healing to continue holding the light and healing in their area. Every day now, before I start the day, I think about the millions of people out there ~ all of us sending love, light and healing to everyone everywhere and I smile.

I love this stuff!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Soul Nouishment

After a beautiful week-end of Reiki Class and gardening (ok, weeding!), I find I feel nourished. Nourishing the soul is something I value more and more with each choice I make to honor my soul-connection. Sometimes the choices seem opposite of everything I (thought I) learned as a child from my parents and even later as a young adult in society. As a "thinker", and one who in the past has not always trusted my feelings, I am learning to "feel" my way.

The more I work with creating my life, the more I understand that the "spark" of that creation is the great feeling I get when I envision my creation complete. That spark of "feeling great" is strong and pure in its moment. It is important because it draws to it, or attracts, the very thing I'm creating. So, as I become a stronger creator in my life, I feel more and more. Of course, action follows the thought because when I do the next thing in front of me, the Universe does it's thing, the "hows" and "whens" of the creation.

It's an amazing process and while I've had glimpses of it before, stepping into my heart's desire and immersing myself brings about a soul nourishment I've never known before.

What are you doing to nourish your soul? Together we support each other and sharing our ideas is one of those ways. We would love to hear from you about your soul nourishment! Namaste.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Life. Live It Like You Love It!

I have been having so much fun connecting with people these past few weeks! Some are already shining their light brightly, others are just taking the leap, some are clearing the path and others are just discovering their inner-truth. No matter where we are in our journey, there is joy.

I have recently "come out" from under the bushel, so to speak with regard to my light. I've run across many who, like me, had dimmed their light in order to get along or "fit in" in life. Many of us have this incredible energy we want to develop and share with others, yet instead of bringing it forth and stepping into our true spirit-self, we shut it down. We may not want to upset our family, or partner, or we may be afraid of the unknown, or we may be faced with beliefs we adapted in our childhood that no longer fit ~ or, more likely, all of the above!

When we repeatedly shut down our intuition in this way, we often see the consequences most obviously in our health. We store this energy somewhere in our body and after time, we start to have health issues. We're trying to stuff this really big and wonderful spirit into this body because we are afraid to let it come out to live!

But that is what we are here for ~ To Live! And so... Life. Live It Like You Love It!


Monday, April 5, 2010

Fear and Security

One of my fears has to do with security. In looking at what makes me secure, I discovered a belief I think I learned from my parents. I used to believe that my security lies outside of myself. For instance, I used to think that if I worked for someone else, I would be secure. I would have a steady paycheck, insurance and retirement. I have worked for someone else my whole life and have none of those securities.

When the company my husband worked for closed its doors in December, we were faced with this very issue in a very real way. It also was an issue I had been dealing with internally for well over a year. I was in a job that no longer was for my Highest Good, or for the Highest Good of all involved. Many things brought us to that point, but that is where we were. I struggled with letting go. I thought there must be more I could do because I was desperate to hold on to the “security” of this job.

The past year I held the Knowledge that I would be shown what I needed to do. In the meantime, things got more and more uncomfortable at work. Fortunately, I had All One Spirit~my business, my husband and my friends to keep me going. I was caught in the fear of where my security would come from if I let go of that job. Even though I would focus on what I was intending, I was vibrating at the level of fear. Time to play “Let’s Make A Deal”! Still looking for that false sense of security, I was making deals with the Universe… “If you’ll provide another job...”, or “if you’ll provide steady income, I’ll move forward”. I was afraid to walk forward in my life, to step into my own security. When I have fear that gets stuck in my body, it goes somewhere, and not surprisingly, the arthritic spurs in my toe got so bad that I could not walk without pain.

I envisioned what the worst case scenario was. The worst case for me, was I snuff out my light; give up my hope, continue to live someone else’s life. That is exactly where I was headed. The harder I tried to avoid it, the stronger the resistance was. What we resist persists. Once I could come to terms with that, I was able to move forward. I got the toe fixed and left the job ~ walking forward and stepping into my life! As I said, I knew the Universe is always in support of me and I would be shown what I needed to do. I now have a full-time job in my passion ~ All One Spirit! And, by my moving forward, the security that job offers became available to someone who needs it!

Where does your security lie? Are you placing your security in someone or something outside of yourself? What are your beliefs about this?